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Uncontested Divorce: Is it Possible? Is it Right for You?

Not all divorces play out like your typical daytime soap opera. Most often a divorce will follow the traditional process with one party filing a Petition for Dissolution, and the other filing an Answer and Defenses, and sometimes a Counter-Petition. Frequently spouses will reach an agreement to resolve all issues at mediation, or somewhere along the way prior to trial. Sometimes, spouses can agree on all issues from the start of the process, this is called an uncontested divorce.

An uncontested divorce requires that both spouses agree to cooperate with each other and reach an agreement on each and every issue in the divorce. If any issues are not agreed upon then the divorce becomes contested. The spouses must reach an agreement on all applicable issues, including:

  • Child custody: If there are children of the marriage, the spouses must agree to the division of parental responsibility and timesharing and must enter into an appropriate parenting plan.

  • Child support: Where children of the marriage are involved, the spouses must have agreed an an appropriate amount of child support, (or if no child support is appropriate, they must agree that neither one will pay child support to the other).

  • Spousal support: Both spouses must agree on whether or not spousal support/alimony will be paid, or whether spousal support/alimony is waived.

  • Assets and Debts: Both spouses must agree on the division of all marital assets and debts.

There are numerous benefits to an uncontested divorce, the major benefits being speed, cost, and privacy. With an uncontested divorce all issues have been decided upon prior to filing, so the process from filing to final judgment is significantly shorter. The cost of an uncontested divorce as far less than with a contested divorce as there is less work involved for the lawyers and the court. In addition, an uncontested divorce requires less documents to be publicly filed, so the spouses have the advantage of increased privacy.

In some instances an uncontested divorce may not be the best option. Spouses should not enter into an uncontested divorce where there is a power imbalance or manipulation at play. In some cases one spouse may be at a disadvantage by entering into an uncontested divorce if they do not understand the terms as well as the other spouse and agree to terms that are unfair. The potential for one spouse to be manipulated is increased in an uncontested divorce, particularly if the spouses choose to be self-represented and do not consult with an attorney to make sure they understand their rights in the process.

If you are thinking about an uncontested divorce, contact Cody Law to discuss the process from start to finish and discuss your options and rights under Florida Law.

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Mental Health Issues and Custody

St. Augustine, Florida Divorce and Family Law: Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Child Custody in a Florida Divorce

When spouses face divorce and minor children are involved, the court must establish parental responsibility and timesharing (also known as custody), based upon the children’s best interests. Florida law begins with the rebuttable presumption that equal timesharing with both parents is in the best interests of the child. The court will consider a wide range of “best interest factors” in reaching any decisions affecting the children. Mental illness is not an automatic bar to having custody, in fact in most cases it will not prevent a parent from sharing time with their child. But when mental illness negatively affects the parent’s ability to care for and make rational decisions regarding the child, it may have a bearing on the amount of time that parent is awarded.

In cases where there is concern over timesharing between children and a mentally ill parent, there are several remedies a Florida court may consider. A court may prohibit overnight visitation, order supervised visitation, require a mentally ill parent to attend regular meetings with mental health professionals and comply with treatment plans, or if serious enough, may prohibit timesharing completely.

In extreme cases, when mental health issues are so severe that one parent is too mentally ill to have a role in the child’s life, or when a mentally ill parent has caused serious harm to child, and it is shown that the mental illness is expected to continue indefinitely, the court may order termination of parental rights. Termination of parental rights is a permanent legal removal of the parent-child relationship.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

A parent’s use or abuse of alcohol and drugs is another factor the court will consider when establishing custody. Moderate consumption of alcohol is not usually an issue, however alcohol or drug use that negatively affects a child will be considered when making a determination. If a parent has addiction issues, timesharing may be restricted to protect the child. The court can require a parent with an addiction to complete treatment and abstain from drug and alcohol use before and during any timesharing. If a parent fails to address drug or alcohol addiction issues they can lose timesharing and could inevitably lose parental rights.

If you have questions regarding divorce and mental health or substance abuse, you should consult with a Florida family law attorney to discuss the process and explore what options are available.

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Holla “We Want Prenup, We Want Prenup”: Florida Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

St. Augustine, Florida Divorce Lawyer: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

A Premarital agreement, known as a prenuptial agreement or “Prenup” is a contract couples sign prior to marriage, to become effective upon marriage to each other. The Prenup can determine what will happen if the couple divorces, including provisions for distribution of assets, debts, alimony, and other issues. A well executed prenup will set forth the terms of the divorce, rather than leaving those terms in the hands of the judge to decide.

A postnuptial agreement “Postnup” is essentially a different means to the same end. The difference is that a postnuptial agreement is executed sometime after the parties have married and there must be separate consideration to make the agreement binding.

Some of the benefits of prenups and postnups are avoiding costly litigation and stress if the marriage ends in divorce. Issues that cannot be decided in a prenup are child custody (in Florida this is known as parental responsibility and timesharing) and child support. These are considered rights of the children in Florida and cannot be waived.

Florida has adopted the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act, which expressly provides that parties may reach a binding contract on issues including:

  • the parties’ rights and obligations concerning any assets and debts;

  • the right to buy, sell, use, transfer, or dispose of property;

  • Distribution of property in the event of separation, divorce or death;

  • the right to alimony;

  • the making of wills or trusts;

  • disposition of proceeds from life insurance;

  • Choice of law governing the premarital agreement.

To be valid, the prenuptial or postnuptial agreement must be entered voluntarily, without coercion or duress and must not be unconscionable. There there must have been a fair and adequate financial disclosure beforehand. When entering a prenup or postnup, each party must be separately represented.

If you are contemplating marriage, or already married, and believe you could benefit from a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, contact our office to discuss the process.

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Preparing for Divorce: What Should You Do Before Filing For Divorce?

What should I do to prepare for divorce? Cody Law a family law firm in St. Augustine Florida is here to help.

The decision to file for divorce is never an easy one, but Cody Law can guide you through each step of the process to help you understand what to expect each step of the way. We make sure to spend time explaining the process to each and every client so that they can feel at ease and empowered. If you’ve made the decision to file for divorce, there are several steps you can take to prepare and get organized. Planning ahead can often reduce your legal expenses and help move the process along in a timely manner. You should prepare, not only for the divorce process but for your new and brighter future post-divorce. Below are a few initial steps you can take:

  1. Gather your financial information: Get your financial information in order. Gather statements for your checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and loan payments. You will need to exchange these, and other documents by the deadline for exchange of mandatory disclosures. At Cody Law, we provide each client with a list of documents to provide our office ahead of time, so you can be prepared.

  2. Take note of your assets: Determine what the balances of each account are as of the date of filing divorce. The balances on that date are the values that will be used when dividing marital property. take photographs or videos of your possessions, especially if items inside the house could go missing or be sold during the divorce.

  3. Calculate your current and future expenses: After filing for divorce, both parties will need to file financial affidavits, including a list of monthly expenses with the court. Look at your current monthly expenses and also start to think about a new budget based on your income alone, and what amount of support may be awarded to supplement your sole income.

  4. Consult with a lawyer: Trying to navigate divorce without a lawyer can have major pitfalls. You should consult with a lawyer right away to understand the initial implications such as moving out of the home, transferring assets, having access to timesharing with the children, and more.

    feel free to contact Cody Law in St. Augustine, Florida for a consultation if you are thinking about divorce or have any other Florida family law issues we can assist with.

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Reasons why Equal Timesharing May be Denied in Court

After recent changes in Florida family law. Florida courts now begin with a rebuttable presumption that equal timesharing with each parent is in the best interests of the child. Either party can offer evidence to show why equal timesharing is not in the child’s best interest. The Court has a long list of “Best Interest Factors” it considers in making this determination.

After recent changes in Florida family law. Florida courts now begin with a rebuttable presumption that equal timesharing with each parent is in the best interests of the child. Either party can offer evidence to show why equal timesharing is not in the child’s best interest. The Court has a long list of “Best Interest Factors” it considers in making this determination. Four of the biggest reasons that a court may rule equal timesharing is not in the child’s best interest are:

  • Substance abuse and alcohol abuse

    Abuse of alcohol or drugs by a parent is one of the reasons equal timesharing may be denied. Alcohol or substance abuse puts the child in danger and can significantly impact the parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs.

  • Emotional or physical abuse or neglect

    Parents who abuse or neglect their child are considered unfit. Child abuse can be physical, emotional or sexual. Child neglect occurs when a parent fails to meet the needs of the child. This can include not providing proper hygiene, living environment, food, clothing, education or medical care.

  • Parental alienation

    Parental alienation occurs when one parent engages in behavior to sabotage the relationship between the child and the other parent. This can be done through actions such as disparaging the other parent in front of the child, emotionally manipulating the child to take sides, or preventing the other parent from having contact with the child without justification. If parental alienation is shown to be serious enough, the alienating parent could lose custody of the child.

  • Serious mental illness

    In certain instances, if mental illness is severe enough to affect one parent’s ability to properly care for the child it could result in a loss of custody. There is no set list of mental illnesses that affect custody but the court will consider the parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs.

This is not an all inclusive list and you should consult with an attorney who will consider your specific circumstances and discuss whether parental responsibility and timesharing may be allocated unequally in your case.

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Is Alimony Just for Gold Diggers?

Although alimony is often portrayed in movies and television as one spouse living “the good life” on their ex’s dime, it’s use and purpose is a far cry from that. The first misconception is that alimony is not gender specific. Either party in the divorce can be responsible for paying alimony to the other.

Alimony is one of the most litigated issues in a divorce. Often, the higher earning spouse will agree to other issues, such as the division of property and parental responsibility and time sharing, but would rather die on a hill than make alimony payments to their ex. But what is alimony exactly, and does it just have a bad reputation?

Although alimony is often portrayed in movies and television as one spouse living “the good life” on their ex’s dime, it’s use and purpose is a far cry from that. The first misconception is that alimony is not gender specific.  Either party in the divorce can be responsible for paying alimony to the other.

The threshold considerations when making a request for alimony in a Florida divorce are:

1)      Is there a demonstrated need for alimony?

2)      Is there an ability to pay alimony by the other party

Unless the answer to both of those questions is a resounding “yes” then the court will not consider issue any further.  The need for alimony is shown by the requesting party’s financial disclosures, which, in short, must show that the requesting party’s monthly income is less than the requesting party’s reasonable monthly expenses, for the lifestyle they are accustomed to.

What alimony is not designed to do, is leave the parties with the same income after alimony is paid, or leave the spouse that is on the hook for alimony with less income than the receiving party. There are various types of alimony that are suitable for specific circumstances, after a need and an ability to pay are proven.

After some recent changes to the law, there are currently four types of alimony available in Florida: lump sum, durational, bridge the gap, and rehabilitative. The award of alimony is limited in length to fifty percent of the duration of the marriage for short-term marriages; sixty percent of the duration of the marriage for moderate-term marriages; and seventy-five percent of the duration of the marriage for long-term marriages.  Short-term marriages are defined as a marriage lasting less than 10 years. Moderate-term marriages are defined as marriages lasting 10-20 years, and long-term marriages are defined as marriages of 20 years or more.

For durational alimony, Florida law limits the award to the reasonable need of the receiving party, or an amount not to exceed thirty-five percent of the difference between the parties’ net incomes, whichever is less.  

The main goal of alimony is to help one spouse transition from married life to single life.  The typical situation where an award of alimony might be appropriate is when one spouse was the “breadwinner” during the course of the marriage, while the other spouse sacrificed their own career goals to provide other valuable services, such as care for the children or maintaining the household.  The non-earning parent may need help in the form of alimony to meet their monthly needs until they have found a job or completed the necessary education to make themselves employable.

There are many other considerations when it comes to alimony and whether you are seeking alimony or have an alimony obligation, you should seek the advice of a Florida family law attorney.

Cody Law would be happy to discuss with you and help you navigate the issues you are facing.  Call or e-mail for a consultation (904) 837-5222.

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Step-Parent Adoption in Florida

St. Augustine, Florida Family Lawyer: Step-Parent Adoption

Step-parent adoption allows a person to obtain full parental rights over their step-child. Step-parent adoption is best suited in a situation where the step-parent is already acting as the parent of the child being adopted and wishes to legalize the parental relationship already in place. The stepparent adoption just makes it official and legally valid and solidifies the relationship between the child and the adopting parent.

A step-parent adoption is available when one biological parent of the child and their spouse (the step-parent) want the step-parent to adopt the child, and the other biological parent of the child consents to the adoption. The adopting step-parent initiates the proceeding by filing a joint Petition, along with their spouse (the biological mother or father of the child). The adoption terminates the parental rights of the other biological parent.

The requirements for a Stepparent to adopt a Stepchild in Florida are:

  • The stepparent and the stepparent's spouse first file a Joint Petition for Adoption.

  • The other biological parent must either consent to the petition, or the petition must state the reason why the biological parent's consent is not required.

  • The stepparent must be able to financially and morally support the stepchild.

  • After filing the Petition the court will conduct a final hearing and enter a final judgment

  • An amended birth certificate can be obtained for the child, listing the new mother and father.

    After entry of the final adoption judgment the birth certificate is amended to reflect that the stepparent and natural parent are the parents of the child. The result is as though the child was born to the natural parent and the stepparent. The birth certificate is amended to show the names of the natural parent and stepparent.

Benefits of Step-Parent Adoption include:

  • Stability for the child.

  • Estate planning purposes- once the step-parent adoption is completed the child can inherit from the step-parent's estate.

  • So that family members can legally share the same last name

  • legal protection for the child

  • to build an emotional bond between stepparent and child.

At Cody Law, Step-Parent adoptions are one of our favorite and most fulfilling areas of practice. Contact our office to discuss with us further and see if a step-parent adoption may be available to you and your spouse.

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Relocating with Children in a Divorce

A question that comes up frequently in Florida family law practice is, what happens when one parent wants to move? There are lots of reasons one parent may decide to relocate. Whether it is to be closer to other family members, for a work opportunity, or due to the cost of living in the area. If you are facing divorce and there are minor children involved then you may need prior court approval to relocate.

When does the Relocation Rule Apply?

Florida Statute § 61.13001 (1) (2023), contains specific requirements when a parent, or any person with rights to time sharing with a child, desires to move. The relocation statute applies when:

(1) the move is for at least 60 consecutive days as opposed to a temporary absence such as a vacation;

(2) The move is at least 50 miles in distance (as the crow flies) from the parent’s prior address.

 If you meet this criteria, its imperative to comply with the relocation statute and petition the court to approve the relocation prior to making a move. If a party fails to obtain court approval to relocate that party could be held in contempt of court or ordered to return the child. 

Can the Parents Agree on the Relocation?

The easiest way for one parent to relocate is with the approval of the other parent (or anyone entitled to time-sharing with the child) for the move. If both parties agree they can enter into a written agreement. The written agreement must:

(1) Clearly state that you both agree to the relocation.

(2) Set forth a time-sharing schedule for the non-relocating parent.

(3) Detail transportation arrangements necessary to make the new time-sharing plan work.

The written agreement, once signed by all parties, must be filed with the court and approved by court order.

What Happens When the Parties do not Agree?

absent an agreement between the parties, the party seeking to relocate must file a formal petition requesting permission to relocate with the court. The petition must include specific details of the relocation and reasons for the move and must be served on the other party in accordance with Florida law. You should consult with a Florida family law attorney who can assist in the preparation and filing of your petition.

The court will consider the best interests of the child in making its decision on whether or not to approve the relocation. These considerations include but are not limited to:

  • The child’s age and developmental stage;

  • How the move might affect the child’s educational, physical and emotional development;

  • Whether the move will improve the child’s and moving parent’s quality of life;

  • The current employment and ecconomic circumstances of each parent;

  • The reason’s each parent has for seeking/objecting to the relocation;

  • Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse by either parent;

  • The relationship between the child and each parent, as well as siblings and other significant people in the child’s life;

  • The child’s preference (depending on child’s age and maturity).

If you or the other parent of your child are seeking to relocate you should consult with an attorney to discuss all issues involved in relocation with a minor child. Cody Law can help you navigate the process. Call or e-mail us for a consultation.

Eve Cody

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Should I Move Out of the Marital Home?

Should I move out of the marital home during a Florida divorce?

During a Florida divorce many people are faced with the conundrum of whether to stay in the marital home. While there is clear-cut answer to this question there are several factors that should be considered in reaching a decision:


The first consideration should always be any personal safety risks involved in continuing to cohabitate in the family home. If the environment is unsafe it is important to get out of the situation and find other accommodations immediately.

Are There Minor Children Involved?

If there are minor children of the marriage, it may not be ideal to move out of the family home until the court enters a temporary or permanent parenting plan, outlining how each parent will split time with the children. If you need to move out prior to an official order on timesharing, you should at a minimum have an informal arrangement agreement in place with your spouse for each parent to maintain timesharing with the minor children. Moving out could potentially have an impact on the Judge’s decision on parental responsibility and timesharing, if your case makes it to trial. The Judge will consider the reasons for leaving the home and your continued contact or lack of contact with the children following the move.

Do You Intend to Keep the Marital Home?

If you plan to keep the marital home, moving out may not be in your best interest and the court could construe the move as abandonment.  If it’s likely you and your spouse will fight over who should be awarded the home, staying under one roof may be helpful in maintaining a strong claim to the property.

Short Term Expenses

Staying under one roof has it’s advantages.  While it could be uncomfortable to live together during the divorce, it will keep your short term costs lower.  unless you have friends or family who are willing to let you stay with them at no cost, you will most likely need to pay rent, utilities and other living expenses on a new living space, in addition to costs on your marital home. Consider your resources and whether moving out during the divorce is feasible.

Access to Personal Items in the Home

Moving out of the marital home will limit your access to and control of items of personal property within the home. If you leave the home you should make a list of items of personal property and photograph/video items in the home to help with division of marital assets.

Ultimately, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration when making the decision of whether or not to remain in the marital home. Cody Law can help guide you in making this difficult decision. Call or e-mail us for a consultation.

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