Preparing for Divorce: What Should You Do Before Filing For Divorce?
The decision to file for divorce is never an easy one, but Cody Law can guide you through each step of the process to help you understand what to expect each step of the way. We make sure to spend time explaining the process to each and every client so that they can feel at ease and empowered. If you’ve made the decision to file for divorce, there are several steps you can take to prepare and get organized. Planning ahead can often reduce your legal expenses and help move the process along in a timely manner. You should prepare, not only for the divorce process but for your new and brighter future post-divorce. Below are a few initial steps you can take:
Gather your financial information: Get your financial information in order. Gather statements for your checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and loan payments. You will need to exchange these, and other documents by the deadline for exchange of mandatory disclosures. At Cody Law, we provide each client with a list of documents to provide our office ahead of time, so you can be prepared.
Take note of your assets: Determine what the balances of each account are as of the date of filing divorce. The balances on that date are the values that will be used when dividing marital property. take photographs or videos of your possessions, especially if items inside the house could go missing or be sold during the divorce.
Calculate your current and future expenses: After filing for divorce, both parties will need to file financial affidavits, including a list of monthly expenses with the court. Look at your current monthly expenses and also start to think about a new budget based on your income alone, and what amount of support may be awarded to supplement your sole income.
Consult with a lawyer: Trying to navigate divorce without a lawyer can have major pitfalls. You should consult with a lawyer right away to understand the initial implications such as moving out of the home, transferring assets, having access to timesharing with the children, and more.
feel free to contact Cody Law in St. Augustine, Florida for a consultation if you are thinking about divorce or have any other Florida family law issues we can assist with.