Step-Parent Adoption

Step-parent adoption allows a person to obtain full parental rights over their step-child. A step-parent adoption is available when one biological parent of the child and their spouse (the step-parent) want the step-parent to adopt the child, and the other biological parent of the child consents to the adoption. The adopting step-parent initiates the proceeding by filing a joint Petition, along with their spouse (the biological mother or father of the child). The adoption terminates the parental rights of the other biological parent.

Benefits of Step-Parent Adoption include:

  • Stability for the child.

  • Estate planning purposes- once the step-parent adoption is completed the child can inherit from the step-parent's estate.

  • So that family members can legally share the same last name

  • legal protection for the child

  • to build an emotional bond between stepparent and child.

Contact our office to discuss with us further and see if a step-parent adoption may be available to you and your spouse.

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