Practice Areas


Our firm will guide you through every step of your divorce, providing knowledge and communication throughout the process. We want each and every one of our clients to come out on the other side of their divorce with a positive outlook and excitement for the future.  We offer several approaches to divorce.  Contact our office to discuss your particular situation and to formulate the best approach.

Along with dissolving the marriage, Cody law will assist our clients with division of property, spousal support, child support, child custody and visitation and rights to court-ordered attorneys fees and costs.

Contested Divorce

Marriages don’t always end on good terms.  Perhaps one spouse is not ready to end the marriage, or spouses cannot reach an agreement on how the assets will be divided in a divorce. If children are involved, there may unfortunately be issues with custody arrangements or child support.  When you and your spouse cannot agree on the terms of your divorce, this is considered a contested divorce. 

If you are in a contested divorce situation contact our office to discuss your issues and obtain guidance navigating through these difficult times.  Cody Law will work tirelessly to represent the best interests of you and your family. 

Uncontested Divorce

If both spouses are in agreement regarding all aspects of their divorce and no issues are disputed, then a simple dissolution of marriage or uncontested divorce is available to them and often results in a much quicker and more economic solution.

When a divorce is uncontested, our clients can enter into a Marital Settlement Agreement outlining all of the agreed upon terms of their divorce, which may include child support, parental responsibility and timesharing (custody), visitation, division of property and debts, and spousal support. If the parties have minor children they will also enter into a Parenting Plan which the court will then approve.

Marital Settlement Agreements can allow the divorcing spouses more control over the outcome than if they were to have a judge decide the case. Cody Law can assist with all aspects of an uncontested divorce and in formulating your Marital Settlement Agreement. Contact our office to discuss with us further.